
Friday, February 18, 2011






If you love someone...

If you love someone, tell them. Forget about the rules or fear of looking ridiculous. Forget about the fear of rejection and repeated heartbreak. Taking risks is the only way to find love. What is truly ridiculous is passing up an opportunity to tell someone that your heart is invested in him/her. “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” That’s why while everyone out there is lonely& too scared to take the initiative to get the one they love, I risked it all and opened my heart to you. Now I’m happily in love with my one and only, and I couldn’t ask for anyone better. Everyone in the world could be screaming at me, telling me that I’m in way over my head and I wouldn’t care. I would stick my middle finger high in the air, while my other hand will be holding yours.

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No one can see your passwords or whatever you’re typing

No one can see whatever you’re typing or which website you’re surfing

And the Ultimate is…

I'll never know...


Ben was 12 years old and was a new kid at school. He was physically and verbally bullied by kids at school and on the school bus. They would kick, hit, whip, and call him names.
After enduring months of bullying and name calling Ben decided he had enough. On December 12, 2007 he hung himself from his bunkbed.
Rest in peace Ben, you will never be forgotten.

A Ring

Never Say Never

Stick Woman

I think...I noticed...

I think I noticed when things started to change. The hugs were quicker, the phone calls were shorter and weren’t every night. We didn’t hurry to the place we said we’d meet. The I love you’s felt more like a forced, daily routine, and really had no meaning. When we saw each other, the smiles weren’t as bright, or as big. Our thoughts weren’t only of each other. We seemed uninterested, we felt unloved. We had too many doubts. I think I noticed when things started to change. -